Post-Op Care For Cats & Dogs

Your pet has had an anaesthetic today so they may be disorientated and nauseous for the first 24 hrs. Please keep cats indoors and dogs on lead exercise only initially. Small meals at first will help if they are nauseous. Painkillers (analgesics) are given at the time of the procedure and you may have been given more for the next few days. Antibiotics may also be given. Please follow the guidelines on the packaging and finish the course. It is important that your pet is kept warm and quiet. Do not be alarmed if your pet sleeps more for the first 24hours. Please call for advice if you feel your pet is still experiencing severe pain or is not eating. Your pet may go home with a light pressure bandage on their leg, this can be removed an hour after returning home.

Feeding: Water should be available on arrival home. We recommend offering pets a small meal of bland food such as chicken and rice or a smaller portion of their normal food. Food should be offered little and often for the first evening. Normal feeding can resume the following day unless otherwise instructed by the vet. Do not be alarmed if your pet is not interested in food immediately. This can be normal and may indicate your pet feels a bit nauseous following the anaesthetic or sedation. For this reason, your pet may vomit after eating. This can also be normal.

Care of the Wound: Please check your pets wound daily. The wound should be kept clean and dry and there should not be any bleeding. It is important that your pet is NOT allowed to lick or scratch the area. If your pet interferes with the wound, we can supply a Buster Collar or Comfy Collar to prevent this.

Exercise: Exercise should be kept to a minimum for the first 48 hours. After this, dogs can be taken out for lead exercise up to 10-15 minutes twice daily. Your pet must NOT be allowed to exercise off the lead until the vet advises it is safe to do so. Cats should be kept restricted if possible for at least 48 hours.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your pet’s health please do not hesitate to contact the surgery.

Click on the following link to view/download our Post Operative Care for Cats and Dogs leaflet.